👉 Tools

Character Counter + Word Counter + Paragraph Counter

Paste your content into the text box and the tool will report back characters (with and without spaces), words, sentences, paragraphs, and repeated n-grams. Bookmark it for easy access!

Paragraph Count: 0
Sentence Count: 0
Word Count: 0
Character Count: 0
(Ignoring Spaces): 0





How Does Our Word Character Counter Work?

We use a bit of Javascript to look at the text you paste in the text area and calculate each of the following:

  • Number of Paragraphs: This is calculated by checking the number of line break characters.
  • Number of Sentences: We add up the number of line breaks as well as standard end-of-sentence punctuation: periods, exclamation points, and question marks. Note: this does mean that we may over-estimate if your text uses these characters in other ways, such as periods inside of abbreviations, such as S.E.O. or F.B.I.
  • Number of Words: We add up the number of alphanumeric words separated by spaces, line breaks, or other punctuation.
  • Number of Characters: This is the number of characters that you paste, but we subtract spaces.
  • Number of Characters With Spaces: This is the raw character count of your entire text.
  • N-Grams: We calculate all n-grams (unigrams, bigrams, trigrams, and fourgrams specifically) that occur more than once in your content.

What Can You Use Our Word Counter For?

We use it to check word count on all types of content - blog posts & articles, social media copy for Twitter and Facebook, Instagram captions, Google Adwords copy, and tons of other projects.

Do You Store My Text Or Other Data?

No - we do not store any content that you paste into the counter. All counting is done by your web browser, so no data needs to be sent to our servers.

We use normal web analytics tools like Google Analytics to track visitors and site interactions, but we do not store the text that you are counting for analytics or any other purposes.

How Can I Support This Free Tool?

Well - would you mind linking to this page from your website? It helps our small company earn more traffic and links to improve our SEO.

Here's a bit of text you can drop into your page:

Check out Content Harmony's Word Counter

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